Survey on the Mainstreaming of the three Dimensions of Sustainable Development Throughout the United Nations System

In a survey (A/73/x–E/2018/x) conducted by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 36 UN entities provided updates on their efforts to advance the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report of the Secretary-General presents an overview of those actions and initiatives taken by the UN entities as reflected […]

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Report on the Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals

The present Report (E/2018/64) was submitted by the UN Secretary-General, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 70/1 (Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development). The Report provides a global overview of the current situation and the progress achieved towards the Sustainable Development Goals, in order to inform the High Level Political Forum. It is

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Summary of the Sixth Biennial High-Level Meeting of the Development Cooperation Forum, New York, 21-22 May 2018

The Secretariat submitted (E/2018/73) to the High Level Political Forum, convened under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council, a summary of the sixth biennial high-level meeting of the Development Cooperation Forum. The meeting was convened at UN Headquarters in New York on 21-22 May 2018 on the theme “The strategic role of development

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Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals, New York 5-6 June 2018

The present document (E/HLPF/2018/XX) is a summary of the third annual Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), held in New York on 5 to 6 June 2018, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 70/1. It brings together a diverse set of opinions articulated through both formal and informal statements

Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals, New York 5-6 June 2018 Read More »

Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: Measuring OECD Responses

Every year huge sums of money are transferred out of developing countries illegally, weakening their financial systems and economic potential. These illicit financial flows (IFFs), originating from money laundering, tax evasion and bribery, often reach OECD countries. However, they could be used by the developing countries to finance much-needed public services, from security and justice

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A Governance Practitioner’s Notebook: Alternative Ideas and Approaches

The OECD-DAC Network on Governance (GovNet) is a forum for practitioners from the development co-operation agencies of Development Assistance Committee (DAC) countries. GovNet’s aim is to promote dialogue, knowledge exchange and research so as to advance innovative approaches to issues of governance and institutional development. For this purpose, the members of GovNet work collaboratively with

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Policies for Youth Well-being in Developing Countries- Youth Inclusion Project

Young people in developing countries are facing challenges in employment, education, health and civil participation. Some key obstacles they confront are related to limited access to information or resources or to lack of opportunities.  However, youth well-being and inclusion should be a priority due to the important role of young people in shaping the present

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Greece’s Voluntary National Review on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Greece’s Voluntary National Review (VNR) will be presented by the National Delegation at the United Nations High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development, which will be held between 9-18 July 2018, in New York. The Office of Coordination, Institutional, International and European Affairs (OCIIEA) of the General Secretariat of the Government, after taking up the task

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Performance of Greece According to the Commitment to Development Index 2017

The Center for Global Development works towards the reduction in global poverty and the improvement of lives, through innovative economic research that drives better policy and practice by the world’s top decision makers. The Commitment to Development Index (CDI), for the year 2017, ranks 27 of the world’s richest countries on their dedication to policies

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OECD, Edition 2018 Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development 2018: Transformation towards Sustainable and Resilient Societies

The 2030 Agenda is a collective responsibility covering all levels of governance (global, national, territorial) that aims to address current and emerging challenges through the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For this purpose, a coherent multilateral system will be essential to deliver the necessary economic, social and environmental transformations.  The 2018 edition of

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