UN ECOSOC: Note by the Secretariat on the Synthesis of Voluntary Submissions by Functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council and other Intergovernmental Bodies and Fora.

The present document synthesizes the 62 voluntary submissions and reflects how the intergovernmental bodies are responding to the theme of the 2019 HLPF. While the principle of leaving no one behind is widely referred to, five main areas have been identified as crucial to empower those being left behind:(i) Economic vulnerability: Ensuring that no one […]

UN ECOSOC: Note by the Secretariat on the Synthesis of Voluntary Submissions by Functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council and other Intergovernmental Bodies and Fora. Read More »

European Commission Report: Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals across the world – The 2019 Joint Synthesis Report of the European Union and its Member States

This report provides a short summary of how the EU and its Member States are supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in developing countries through development cooperation. It responds to a specific commitment in the Consensus, to produce such a report in 2019 and every four years thereafter. It focuses on the period since

European Commission Report: Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals across the world – The 2019 Joint Synthesis Report of the European Union and its Member States Read More »

OECD Report: Development Aid drops in 2018, Especially to Neediest Countries – Introducing the Grant Equivalent Methodology

Foreign aid from official donors in 2018 fell 2.7% from 2017, with a declining share going to the neediest countries, according to preliminary data collected by the OECD. The drop was largely due to less aid being spent on hosting refugees as arrivals slowed and some tightening of the rules on which refugee costs can

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UNDP Report-Financing Across Sectors for Sustainable Development

Recognizing the ambition, scope and integrated nature of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), together with the need for more domestic funding to finance development, this Report describes an innovative financing solution developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine-supported STRIVE Research Consortium (STRIVE) with support from

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UNDP Report – Gender Equality as an Accelerator for Achieving the SDGs

Gender equality lies at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which recognizes that achieving gender equality is a matter of human rights and is crucial to progress across all the goals and targets. While being a goal in its own right, gender equality cuts across all 17 Sustainable Development Goals and is

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OECD “Development Matters”: Multilateral action for sustainable development: How to build on the strength of ODA?

OECD “Development Matters” is offering a platform for open and informed discussions on pressing development opportunities and challenges. It builds a robust conversation not only between countries and a diverse range of stakeholders, but also across policy areas. OECD countries’ combined Official Development Assistance (ODA) remains strong. While some criticise ODA figures for stagnating, steady

OECD “Development Matters”: Multilateral action for sustainable development: How to build on the strength of ODA? Read More »

European Commission: 2018 Annual Report “EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa”

The EU Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF) for Africa was created at the Valletta Summit on Migration held in November 2015 as an implementing tool that provides a rapid, flexible and effective response to an emergency situation. It operates along four strategic axes as set out in the Strategic Orientation Document adopted by the Strategic Board

European Commission: 2018 Annual Report “EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa” Read More »

World Bank Group: Implementing the 2030 Agenda, 2018 Edition

The Second Edition (2018) of World Bank Group’s (WBG) “Implementing the 2030 Agenda” outlines Bank’s commitment and actions toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each section provides a deeper look at how implementation efforts translate into results on the ground through many examples of the Bank’s projects impact at the local, national, regional, and

World Bank Group: Implementing the 2030 Agenda, 2018 Edition Read More »

OECD – Preliminary Official Development Aid (ODA) Allocations in 2018

Net ODA flows by DAC member countries were USD 149.3 billion in 2018, representing a fall of 2.7% in real terms compared to 2017. The fall reflects a reduction in in-donor refugee costs for many DAC members. The number of refugees entering Europe has dropped since its peak in 2015 and 2016.  DAC countries reported

OECD – Preliminary Official Development Aid (ODA) Allocations in 2018 Read More »

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