OECD Edition: Development Co-operation Profiles 2019

Trends and insights on development finance The OECD’s Development Co-operation Profiles compile and analyse verified statistics and trends on how development assistance is allocated geographically, to sectors, multilateral and civil society organisations, cross-cutting priorities such as gender equality and women’s economic empowerment and the environment and climate, and to mobilise private finance. The profiles cover […]

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OECD Edition: World Trade Organization: Aid for Trade at a Glance 2019 – Economic Diversification and Empowerment

This edition analyses how trade can contribute to economic diversification and empowerment, with a focus on eliminating extreme poverty, particularly through the effective participation of women and youth. It shows how aid for trade can contribute to that objective by addressing supply-side capacity and trade-related infrastructure constraints, including for micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises notably

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OECD Working Paper, May 2019 – Enabling Civil Society for Sustainable Development

Agenda 2030 is clear on the necessity of mobilising civil society organisations (CSOs) in implementing and upholding accountability for the Sustainable Development Goals. CSOs are important to development co-operation, both as development actors in their own right, and as implementing partners for members of the OECD/DAC. Figures from the DAC show that in 2017, DAC

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OECD Report: Development Aid drops in 2018, Especially to Neediest Countries – Introducing the Grant Equivalent Methodology

Foreign aid from official donors in 2018 fell 2.7% from 2017, with a declining share going to the neediest countries, according to preliminary data collected by the OECD. The drop was largely due to less aid being spent on hosting refugees as arrivals slowed and some tightening of the rules on which refugee costs can

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OECD “Development Matters”: Multilateral action for sustainable development: How to build on the strength of ODA?

OECD “Development Matters” is offering a platform for open and informed discussions on pressing development opportunities and challenges. It builds a robust conversation not only between countries and a diverse range of stakeholders, but also across policy areas. OECD countries’ combined Official Development Assistance (ODA) remains strong. While some criticise ODA figures for stagnating, steady

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OECD – Preliminary Official Development Aid (ODA) Allocations in 2018

Net ODA flows by DAC member countries were USD 149.3 billion in 2018, representing a fall of 2.7% in real terms compared to 2017. The fall reflects a reduction in in-donor refugee costs for many DAC members. The number of refugees entering Europe has dropped since its peak in 2015 and 2016.  DAC countries reported

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OECD – Preliminary Official Development Aid (ODA) Allocations in 2018

Net ODA flows by DAC member countries were USD 149.3 billion in 2018, representing a fall of 2.7% in real terms compared to 2017. The fall reflects a reduction in in-donor refugee costs for many DAC members. The number of refugees entering Europe has dropped since its peak in 2015 and 2016.  DAC countries reported

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OECD Working Paper, March 2019 – Transition Finance: Introducing a New Concept

In answer to the call expressed within the Addis Ababa Action Agenda to mobilise all available resources –domestic and foreign, public and private– in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Development Co-operation Directorate (DCD) develops a new work stream on transition finance to explore the evolution and interaction of public (official development assistance

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OECD Working Paper, March 2019 – Learning from Results-Based Management Evaluations and Reviews

The ultimate purpose of development co-operation is to achieve results, which means to bring tangible and sustainable change for people, societies and the environment. For this to happen, results-based management calls for development actors to set clear objectives with expected results, targets and indicators, and a system to measure how they are performing against their

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