Development Co-operation Report 2020: Learning from Crises, Building Resilience

The devastating impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) on developing countries have tested the limits, ingenuity and flexibility of development co-operation while also uncovering best practices. This 58th edition of the Development Co-operation Report draws out early insights from leaders, OECD members, experts and civil society on the implications of coronavirus (COVID-19) for global solidarity and international

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OECD Report: Multilateral Development Finance 2020

Five years on from the launch of the 2030 Agenda, the multilateral development system is under stress, perhaps as never before. The COVID-19 crisis has brought renewed attention to the crucial role multilateral organisations have to play in addressing the triple crisis looming in developing countries: health, economic and humanitarian. The global scale of the

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OECD Edition: Development Co-operation Profiles 2020

Key trends 2018-2019: 1. Total ODA continues to increase, but much too slowly to meet international commitments Preliminary data for 2019 show a total ODA of USD 169.2 billion from DAC countries and other official providers. DAC countries’ total ODA on a grant-equivalent basis increased by 1.4% in real terms compared to the previous year,

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Kampala Principles for Effective Private Sector Engagement through Development Co-operation

In the framework of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC), a set of principles has been developed to improve the quality of partnerships between development partners and the private sector. The principles are for voluntary use by all stakeholder groups including governments, domestic and international businesses, business associations, micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises

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OECD – Preliminary Official Development Assistance (ODA) Allocations in 2019

ODA from members of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) totalled USD 152.8 billion in 2019, a rise of 1.4% in real terms from 2018, according to preliminary data collected from official development agencies. The fall in current dollar terms from USD 153.5 billion in 2018 to USD 152.8 billion in 2019, results in part

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Joint Statement by the OECD Development Assistance Committee on the Covid-19 crisis

09/04/2020 – Members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) today issued a statement expressing their support for the response by UN agencies, multilateral development banks and civil society to the global Covid-19 crisis, and welcoming calls by G20 and G7 leaders to focus on the impact on developing countries. The statement notes the importance

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OECD Working Paper (November 2019): Blended Finance in Fragile Contexts – Opportunities and Risks

The development community agrees on the need to address conflict and fragility for global security and sustainable development. Peace is a global public good, the focus of the 16th Sustainable Development Goal and a cross cutting ambition of the 2030 Agenda. The effects of conflict and fragility transcend borders, violating the human rights of those

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OECD Council: Recommendation on Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development

The Recommendation of the Council on Good Institutional Practices in Promoting Policy Coherence for Development was adopted by the OECD Council on 29 April 2010. The Recommendation was revised by the Council on 11 December 2019 on the proposal of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and the Public Governance Committee (PGC). On this occasion it

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