Ukraine’s Business Advisory Group for Restoration (BAGR)

Business Advisory Group for Restoration (BAGR) is a collaborative effort between the Ministry of Restoration (MOR) and USAID/UKAid SOERA aimed at fostering engagement of Ukrainian and international businesses to support the restoration efforts in Ukraine and stimulate economic growth at the sub-national level.

BAGR’s main objective is to become a leading communication platform for multiple stakeholders to foster effective and meaningful interactions between the Ministry of Restoration and businesses.

BAGR’s main activities are:

  • Facilitate a high-quality dialogue with business
  • Encourage and support effective business participation in the restoration of Ukraine
  • Respond to information requests
  • Accumulate the feedback from businesses to highlight areas where legislative changes can be made
  • Promote and contribute to implementing legislative changes
  • Organize and facilitate educational events

Estimated 2024 Recovery and Reconstruction Priorities

  • Housing and Utilities 3.1 bn USD
  • Transport and Logistics 2.3 bn USD
  • Energy 2.7 bn USD
  • Social Infrastructure and Services 2.4 bn USD
  • Industry and Services 3.6 bn USD
  • Cross-Sectoral Priorities 1.2 bn USD

Total: 15.3 bn USD

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