Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation 2018 Monitoring Round

Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation
2018 Monitoring Round

The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation was established, by 163 countries, in Busan (2011), at the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, as a multi-stakeholder platform that aims to advance the effectiveness of all development efforts and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. It is led by three Ministerial-level Co-Chairs and a 20-member Steering Committee. The Global Partnership sustains political momentum through its Ministerial-level meetings. The Second High-Level Meeting in Kenya (2016) brought together over 4,500 diverse stakeholders from 154 countries and concluded with endorsement of the Nairobi Outcome Document, which includes a renewed mandate and outlines priority actions for international development co-operation in light of the 2030 Agenda.

The biennial, voluntary Global Partnership Monitoring is led by country governments and brings together bilateral and multilateral organisations, the private sector, civil society and parliaments, in order to strengthen the effectiveness and results of their partnerships at country level. The monitoring framework is currently being refined to fully reflect the 2030 Agenda and contributes, by generating data, to the review of targets for SDG 5 and SDG 17 and implementation of the Financing for Development agreements.

The participating governments monitor effective development co-operation commitments at the country level, by tracking progress against ten indicators to ensure that all development efforts are in line with four internationally-agreed principles for effective co-operation (country ownership, focus on results, inclusive partnerships and enhancing transparency and mutual accountability). Ten indicators focus on strengthening developing countries’ institutions, increasing the transparency and predictability of development resources, enhancing gender equality and supporting greater involvement of civil society, parliaments and the private sector in development efforts.

To accelerate country-led efforts for implementing and monitoring effective partnerships, the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation will meet in Paris on 11 and 12 September 2018.

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