Websites that provide valuable insights and information on the Reconstruction of Ukraine DREAM collects organizes and publishes open data across all stages of reconstruction projects in real time, implementing the highest standards of transparency, and accountability. Anyone, anywhere, can monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of project delivery, and use these insights to mitigate risks, conduct accurate reporting and improve overall project performance. UkraineInvest is the Ukrainian government’s investment promotion office created in 2016 to attract foreign direct investment and assist existing investors to expand their businesses in Ukraine. UkraineInvest is now a full-fledged government institution committed to providing investors with “one-stop support” consisting of reliable, current information and advice on doing business in Ukraine; identifying optimal investment opportunities; guiding investors through government agencies at all levels, and helping to resolve any systemic issues investors may face. Advantage Ukraine is the investment initiative of the Government of Ukraine. Find plenty of projects and turn them into your advantage.

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