Fetal Medicine/Prenatal Control Programme in Ethiopia 2022-2025 in collaboration with Fetal Medicine Foundation

In the framework of the Fetal Medicine/Prenatal Control Program 2022-2025, which is implemented by the Fetal Medicine Foundation in collaboration with the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the following actions were carried out or are planned:

– At the request of the Ethiopian public hospital “Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital”, the Fetal Medicine Foundation sent needles and syringes, as well as three computers.

– Grant of a two-year scholarship to two Ethiopian doctors, at the request of the Ethiopian Ministry of Health. The Memorandum of Understanding foresees the obligation to return to their country of origin after the completion of the relevant studies in order to maximize the development impact.

– Grant of scholarships to two doctors from Ethiopia with full coverage of expenses, from the “Fetal Medicine Foundation”, to participate in the World Conference of Fetal Medicine in London (December 2-3, 2023), during which experts from around the world present and discuss the latest developments in fetal medicine.

– Following consultation with the Ministry of Health of Ethiopia, five scholarships will be granted to five doctors, fully covered by the “Fetal Medicine Foundation”, to participate in the 21st World Conference of Fetal Medicine in Lisbon (23 -June 27, 2024), during which experts from around the world present and discuss the latest developments in fetal medicine.

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