Private Sector Participation Possibilities in Actions Funded within EU’s External Action

The involvement of the private sector in the implementation of the EU’s development cooperation programs has been strengthened in the context of the effort to meet commitments related to the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda. The World Bank has identified a relevant financial gap (5 to 7 billion EUR) which should be covered […]

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European Commission: EU Trust Fund Bêkou for the Central African Republic Εxtended until 2020

The Bêkou Trust Fund for the Central African Republic, the first ever EU Trust Fund established by the Commission in 2014, was set to expire in July 2019. As a result, its state of play and future beyond July 2019, have recently been a topic of reflection for its Members and the Central African Government.

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European Commission Report: Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals across the world – The 2019 Joint Synthesis Report of the European Union and its Member States

This report provides a short summary of how the EU and its Member States are supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in developing countries through development cooperation. It responds to a specific commitment in the Consensus, to produce such a report in 2019 and every four years thereafter. It focuses on the period since

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European Commission: 2018 Annual Report “EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa”

The EU Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF) for Africa was created at the Valletta Summit on Migration held in November 2015 as an implementing tool that provides a rapid, flexible and effective response to an emergency situation. It operates along four strategic axes as set out in the Strategic Orientation Document adopted by the Strategic Board

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Joint Synthesis Report on the New European Consensus on Development

The Joint Synthesis Report of the European Commission on the new European Consensus on Development reflects the impact of the actions of the European Union and its Member States in supporting partner countries towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As stated

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European Commission: External Investment Plan (EIP)- 2017 Operational Report

The EU’s ambitious External Investment Plan (EIP) will encourage investment in our partner countries in Africa and the EU Neighbourhood region. It will promote inclusive growth, job creation and sustainable development and so tackle some of the root causes of irregular migration. The EIP has three parts: The EIP is guided by the general objectives

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European Commission: Strive for Development – Strengthening Resilience to Violent Extremism

Global incidents of conflict, terrorism and violent crime are all rising, some quite significantly. Yet understanding and responding to the drivers of this insecurity is becoming increasingly challenging, whether in relation to insurgencies, violence related to ideology or a return to inter-state conflict. The impact is felt in the form of chronic humanitarian needs, unprecedented

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European Commission (Technical Report): Interlinkages and Policy Coherence for the Sustainable Development Goals Implementation

This publication (2019) is a technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. The broad scope and complexity of the Sustainable

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European Commission: EU Aid for Trade – Progress Report 2018

The objective of the updated EU Aid For Trade (AfT) strategy of 2017 is to better align EU Aid For Trade interventions with actual market-driven opportunities and constraints, to ensure a better quantitative focus on Least Developed Countries (LDCs), and to increase the contribution of Aid For Trade to sustainable development goals while supporting a

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