Global Gateway – Preparation of 2025 flagship projects list and revision of 2023 and 2024 projects.

The Presidency of the Commission has launched the preparatory work to agree on the list of Global Gateway flagship projects for 2025 and the process of revising the current Global Gateway flagship list of 2023 and 2024.

Preparing the 2025 Global Gateway flagship list the Presidency aims to adopt a shorter list of up to 50 new projects, including a maximum of 27 projects from the Member States and a maximum of 23 projects from the Commission, in cooperation with the EEAS, EIB and EBRD.

Therefore, the Member States and the Commission, in cooperation with the EEAS, EIB and EBRD, are invited to propose projects for the 2025 Global Gateway flagship list.

Each Member State is invited (but not obliged) to propose a project for the 2025 flagship list; Member States are equally invited to cooperate and submit joint proposals for the project.

The proposed projects should be scheduled to deliver tangible results during the 2025, in their respective Global Gateway five key areas of partnership (climate and energy, digital, education and research, transport, health).

Proposals for new projects can be submitted until Thursday, September 12, 2024. Approval of the 2025 list of flagship projects is expected to take place on November 13, 2024.

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