Council Conclusions on a Comprehensive Approach to Accelerate the Implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – Building Back Better from the COVID-19 crisis, 14 June 2021EUROPEAN UNION, INTERNATIONAL FRAMEWORK / 23/06/2021 Council Conclusions on a Comprehensive Approach to Accelerate the Implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – Building Back Better from the COVID-19 crisis, 14 June 2021
Participation of the Secretary General for International Economic Relations and Extroversion, Mr. D. Skalkos, in the Informal Meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council in the development format, in Warsaw (February 10-11, 2025) ANNOUNCEMENTS, EUROPEAN UNION, INTERNATIONAL FRAMEWORK
63rd Session of the Commission for Social Development (New York, 10-14 February 2025) ANNOUNCEMENTS, INTERNATIONAL FRAMEWORK, UN